Do you know that you can save $$$ in contacting your business friends via your hand-phone or business phone to any cities in Indonesia and cities world-wide? A $10 IBC Calling Card will give you up to 100 minutes talk-time from Singapore to Jakarta, Bandung, Denpasar, Medan, Surabaya or any cities in Indonesia. Receive an extra card worth $10, if you purchase a minimum of ten cards.
Place your order for the IBC Calling Card.
The IBC T-Shirt is available to members at $25 each. Please make cheque payable to INDONESIAN BUSINESS CENTRE and post to Raffles City POB 0583, Singapore 911720 immediately after your order. And state the size for the T-shirt.
Place your order for the IBC T-Shirt.
Active IBC Members can self-collect a free copy of the IBC 15th Anniversary Brochure. Subsequent and non-members requests for the brochure is available at $10 each.
Place your request for the IBC 15th Anniversary Brochure.